Well, I've recently found that Ritz crackers are very delicious and even addicting. I found this article online and thought it was interesting. Check it out.
Who Stole the Cracker from the Cracker Jar?
By Andy Dale
If you’re like most Americans, you probably find Ritz® brand crackers to be delicious--maybe even a little addictive. In fact, according to a recent survey, three out of four Americans find they can’t stop eating them. “It’s like I’m eating cookies. I find myself eating a whole bag at a time, and I can’t stop,” said Eddie Young, one participant.
But new research is showing that eating snack foods in excess can have adverse effects. A study by the University of Chamberlain in Holstead, New Mexico shows that eating too many high-fat foods can cause health problems, and can even cause weight gain.
“We’re finding that there is a directly proportional relationship between the amount of food that [a person] eats and the amount of weight that is gained by that person,” says Cindi McKabers, department chair of the university’s College of Health Sciences. In the study, half of the participants were asked to eat lot of food, while the other half didn’t eat as much. After only one month, according to McKabers, the former group had gained (on average) more weight than the latter group. “We’re not exactly sure of the cause of this relationship, but one theory is that Ritz crackers are addictive.”
But apparently, this isn’t news to everyone. “We’ve known this for a long time,” says Randy Bravis, lead Nutritional Physicist for the US Department of Health. Bravis comments on the issue, “No, we’ve all found Ritz crackers to be addictive and delicious, and that eating too many of them can cause weight gain. We don’t see a change in this trend anywhere in the foreseeable future, either.” <
I'm Not Who I Was
9 years ago
i laughed aloud several times.
this was gold.
i'm e-mailing you an interesting sermon :)
Word Verification: handfix
I definitely laughed aloud several times also. Acutally, I chortled throughout the content.
I, like Cary, say laughed aloud because I think I'm above typing LOL. anyway...here ya go:
my word verification: feclu
I just received several weird looks as a result of my audible response to what I just read. You've done it again, and I only hope that your live-in position affords you more time & motivation to share your creativity.
Word verification: scovia. Yes, that's right...it's not funny at all.
unlike everybody else commenting, i refrained from laughing out loud, thereby keeping undisturbed the sacred family sound waves, that i've worked so hard to protect over the past 25 years i've almost been alive.
i did, however, jump off my bed, grab the closest chimpanzee (which happened to be in southern South Dakota), and started to line dance all around my room with the primate, effectively and thoroughly destroying every porcelain radio (which totaled 2.3) in the greater polk county area.
*this was just a test of the emergency laughter broadcast system. had there been a real emergency, more radios would have broken, all over the state.
this comment is brought to you by the word clogieri. Clogieri, "it's everything you thought you had in your heart."
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