Saturday, March 14, 2009

J. Temp. quote

"A problem that occurs in your life may simply be a question that life asks you. However, anxiety can make solutions seem elusive, and pessimism can be a block to embracing the part of ourselves that already knows the answers. Your positive outlook can open doors to opportunity that fear might otherwise tightly lock." --Sir John Templeton

I think God wants us to be optismistic, to see the good in things.

I don't even know who this J. Temp. guy is, but he sounds right in what he says here.


Cary said...

Wise sir,

I was lost, surfing the various websites for answers to the questions of life.

Desperate, I googled 'poopface' and what came up but this profound quote from Sir J. Temp himself.

I am a changed man and forever in your debt.

I'll always remember that fateful google search.

God bless you.

Word Verfication: exsesslu

Joel said...


Verification: schmopha

Andy Dale said...

Yes, I know that in times of desperation, poopface always comes as an encouragement. Therefore, I see it not unusual that you would search such a thing, Cary. God bless John Wayne.

Word verification: "dephoe," as in "Willem Dafoe"

Frick Nancis said...

God save the queen.